Kristin-Anne Rutter

Executive Director, Cambridge University Health Partners

Dr Kristin-Anne Rutter joined Cambridge University Health Partners as the organisation’s Executive Director in March 2021, with a remit to lead the vision for life sciences in Cambridge, harnessing the talent, expertise and potential of the city’s cluster to deliver breakthrough scientific discoveries and rapidly prove and scale these to improve healthcare outcomes for all.

Previously as a Partner in McKinsey & Company’s London Office, her focus was on improvement and innovation in healthcare delivery. She led thinking on how digital and data can create value for patients and healthcare systems and how the barriers to successful adoption and uptake can be overcome. Kristin-Anne was the founder of the McKinsey Health Tech network in 2013, bringing together the most advanced and innovative tech and digital solution providers to healthcare and supporting them to deploy in health systems. She supported the UK government to identify opportunities to strengthen the UK Lifescience industry and the deployment of innovation in the NHS.

Prior to joining McKinsey, Kristin-Anne worked as a doctor in Iceland, had experience with Eli Lilly in manufacturing quality assurance and was a product manager for Neuromonics, a start-up company in Australia bringing a treatment for Tinnitus to market. She is currently a Trustee and Board member of Marie Stopes International. While at McKinsey Kristin-Anne spent a secondment with NHS Digital supporting their executive team accelerate programmes to support NHS priorities.

Kristin-Anne has a first class MA from Cambridge UK in Neuroscience, a MB BChir in medicine with distinction from Cambridge UK and an MBA from Harvard USA with high distinction.


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